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Posted on: August 10th, 2022 by Barbara Burkard

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This Weekend ~ January 11-12, 2020

Posted on: January 10th, 2020 by Barbara Burkard

Greetings All! ¡Saludos a todos!

Join us this Sunday, and through January and February, as we turn our attention to the climate crisis. What does a faithful response look like? We hope you’ll bring your questions, insights and love for the planet. This is important
Este domingo iniciamos una serie sobre el cambio climatico. Es una conversación importante. ¡Esperamos contar con su presencia!


Este sábado no hay culto.
Nos reunimos de nuevo para alabar en español el 18 de enero.
¡Bienvenidos todos!


9:30–Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation (downstairs West Hall) with Keith Regehr, considers the state of the world, what the Biblical text says to us in the crisis, and what we can do in response.
Messy Church (downstairs East Hall) gets up close and personal with creation: earth, water, air and fire.

We are most likely to take care of that which we love. If this is true, then our first task in the face of climate crisis is to remind ourselves of the infinite beauty and the intimate embrace of creation. Keith Regehr & Rene Baergen preaching.

THIS SUNDAY, AFTER THE SERVICE, all are invited to a potluck celebration of Barb Burkard’s 18 years in the office at FMC. We’ve been privileged to have Barb working as our Administrative Assistant at FMC since January of 2002. But at the end of this month, she’s ready to retire. We hope you’ll bring your stories—we’ll have an open mic for those who’d like to share—and join us today in wishing her well!
ESTE DOMINGO, DESPUES DEL CULTO, tenemos planeado una comida estilo potluck para celebrar las muchas contribuciones de Barbara Burkard, en la oficina de la iglesia, durante los últimos 18 años. ¡Esperamos contar con su presencia!

If you would like a large print bulletin placed in your mailbox, please let Barb or one of the pastors know. Thanks!