Sunday is Intercultural

Come as you are! We start at 10:00 AM

At First Mennonite, we worship in a way that reflects the diversity of our faith family–singing, praying and engaging with Scripture on Sunday mornings in a way that aims to be both intergenerational and intercultural. 

Los Sabados es Español


Nos reunimos el primer y el tercer sábado de cada mes a las 6:00 PM para alabar juntos en español. Con mucha frecuencia también compartimos un refrigerio después del culto. En todo momento, en toda temporada, intentamos abrir nuestros corazones y nuestra comunidad al movimiento del Espíritu Santo.

Learning Happens All the Time

Whether you’re exploring faith for the first time, nurturing life-long commitment, or questioning what it all means anyway, our pastors will join you where you are and encourage you to take another step toward God’s dream for you.

You’ll find diverse opportunities to learn and grow with us–from weekly Adult Faith Formation to First Friday prayer, from Children’s Church for our young families to Monthly Brunch for our adults. We do our best to be church to each other through the week—turning what we learn when we read the Bible and pray together toward things like climate action, anti-racism and indigenous/settler relations.