Service is at the heart of who we are, and making a difference in the world is our mission.

Supporting Refugees

We are passionate about welcoming and supporting newcomers to Canada!

Whether they come to us as sponsored refugees or new-found neighbours, whether they need directions to the Food Bank, an English conversation partner, a listening ear and a prayer, or a home away from home. We have a history of opening our doors… and a present of reaching out to those new to our community. 

Outreach Partners

It’s always better to work together… so we’re glad to partner with many of the incredible organizations dedicated to bringing God’s love to life across the street and around the world. We’re proud to stand together with

Be the Change

When it comes to the climate crisis, or anti-racism, or the relationship between indigenous and settler peoples, we have much to learn. We’re a 200-plus-year-old church after all with our share of missteps along the way. But we’re committed to making a start, and a better path forward, one action after another.